Better Podcasting – Episode 018 – Time Management

Better Podcasting – Episode 018 – Time Management

Welcome to Better Podcasting! We talk about podcast tips, tools and best practices to help you succeed with your podcast! Just like you we podcast purely out of the love and the fun of it. Podcasting is our hobby and we love that it is yours too! We always encourage your questions and feedback and you can find all of our contact information at

Better Podcasting’s first giveaway contest comes to a close and one lucky listener’s name is drawn from a GeekyLid to win the Audio Technica ATR2100. Will it be you? Listen to find out!

After the giveaway, the hosts tell that as Hobby Podcasters it’s all about time. Time to podcast, time for family, time for your “day-job,” and time for fun. This episode Stephen and SP discuss how they manage to do it all and more importantly what their limitations are. Planning is a key component to podcasting and time management is no exception. Also, they discuss ways to manage time-related stress while advocating time to decompress from podcasting and recommended way to do it without impacting your podcast workflow too much.

In this week’s Better Podcasting Download Stephen and SP talk about all the podcasting advice out there and what may be good advice and what might not be good advice including the fact that not every podcaster’s formula will work for you.

In this week’s PodBack SP and Stephen read their first Better Podcasting iTunes review — THANK YOU Stand Curious!!! — and answer Knox Richardson’s question from Twitter on a microphone upgrade.

It’s not too late to catch SP and 5 other GonnaGeek network podcasting hosts at C2E2 (The Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo) on March 18th, 2016 in the Workshop Room at 2:45 PM to present a panel on Everyday Podcasting For Your Everyday Life. Come meet us there to discuss some great tips on hobby podcasting and introduce yourselves to us. We’d love to meet you!

Do you have something to say about the art of hobby podcasting? Do you want to chime in on an episode of Better Podcasting? You can always ping us on Better Podcasting on the internet at the following places:



Stephen and SP thank you for listening, downloading and subscribing to Better Podcasting. We hope you come back for more Better Podcasting!

This podcast was recorded on Friday, March 4th, 2016

Happy Podcasting!

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