Better Podcasting #255 – Hobby Podcasting Isn’t Free Podcasting

If podcasting is your hobby, does that mean that it’s free? The answer is no, hobby podcasting isn’t free podcasting. This week we discuss some of the challenged that make it hard to try to podcast for free, and where it might benefit to try to pay a little money, and where you can try to save a buck or two.

In this week’s Better Podcasting Download, we discuss how Automaticc is buying Pocket Casts, and we speculate what this means for the future.

Finally, we take listener feedback, including a listener who encountered an issue with their recording this week, and we have a listener who was invited by Facebook to turn on their new podcast feature.

Find full episode information including links referenced in this episode at

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This podcast was recorded on Tuesday, July 20, 2021 – Streamed Live to Geeks.Live.  Audio/Video Production by Stephen Jondrew of GonnaGeek Productions, proudly Canadian.

Main Topic: Hobby podcasting isn’t free podcasting

  • How podcasting is much more accessible to hobbyists
  • Why the easiest/cheapest way to podcast isn’t always the way we recommend you podcast
  • Areas of podcasting that will cost you money when you podcast
  • Related podcasting expenses (such as a web presence)
  • Reasons why you may need to be ok spending money on your podcast
  • How spending money on your podcast can be helpful
  • How podcasting for free can negatively impact your podcast
  • Areas where you might be able to save money on your podcast
  • Other hobbies that cost money, and how they stack up against podcasting
  • Reasons why you think you should be ok with spending money on podcasting (if that’s your primary hobby)
  • Podcasting is a great value hobby for what you get out of it

Better Podcasting Download:

  • Automaticc purchased pocket casts

Links Discussed

Video Version:

2 comments on “Better Podcasting #255 – Hobby Podcasting Isn’t Free Podcasting

  1. Tim Favreau says:

    Great episode! Thanks for sharing. I think a great addition to the show notes would be the list of equipment that you’re using right now to record this podcast. This way people have a good Baseline on what they should purchase.

    1. StephenJondrew says:

      Thanks Tim! We rarely change our equipment, so that’d be pretty easy overall to add. I think I might have used to add it in the notes, but I might be blending it in with the GonnaGeek show that SP and I do with our cohost Chris. Easy enough to add (or add back?) to the template that I copy/paste each week. Thanks for reaching out and thanks for the suggestion.

      Of course, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that each year we do our year end gear episodes which all started as a way to highlight that our we have slowly worked up to our gear, and that neither of us feel people have to start with what we have. 🙂

      Thanks again for the message. 🙂

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