Have you heard or watched some of the great GonnaGeek podcasts and thought, “I can do that!” Or maybe you are really passionate about a subject and want to share your expertise with the world? Perhaps you just want to find like-minded people to share your interests. Whatever your reason this is an exciting time to start a podcast and I can’t tell you how many people have asked me for details on how to start a podcast since I started producing podcasts myself. I am always available to chat about podcasting. It’s my hobby. I’m a serious podcasting hobbyist. I even listen to podcasts about podcasting and often talk tips of the trade with other podcasters both on GonnaGeek and outside of the network. I participate in online groups about podcasting and keep track of relevant podcasting news. So while I might not know everything there is to know about podcasting I do know a few things about how to get started as a hobby podcaster.
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